No Worries About What Was (DIPA)

No Worries About What Was (DIPA)

Some days are just better than other good days. Today is one of those days.

Behold our latest creation, No Worries About What Was. Itโ€™s an eloquently named DIPA coming in at an equally eloquent 8% ABV. Why the name? Well, because we need not to worry about what was.

Over the course of the last year, we have been working hard to build Alefarm Brewing. We have poured our hearts, time and money into the brewery every single day. We have increased our yield per batch with more than 40% since the beginning and have dramatically improved everything from the composition of our water profile to our packaging.

Having reached this point is like returning from a battlefield that you've been on for so long that you've forgotten what home is like - or where it even is. But it's right here where the worries are no more.

I'm so thoroughly happy about the results we have achieved.ย 

This is the new Alefarm Brewing.

All the best,

Kasper Tidemann

Founder and CEO
Alefarm Brewing

Kasper Tidemann


A photo of No Worries About What Was.