A King & A Common Man (Sour IPA)

A King & A Common Man (Sour IPA)

We are proud to release A King & A Common Man. It's a delicious sour IPA coming in at 6.5% ABV and soured with lactobacillus. On the dry-hop bill, it reads plenty of Mosaic and Ekuanot.

This beer is the fruitful result of a fine collaboration with our brew brothers from Malbygg Brugghús.

The artwork itself is also a collaboration between our two breweries. Since this is our first sour IPA, we wanted the label to stand out and be something different. The label is a mix of our styles, making for a colorful, unique design that nods to both surrealism, symbolism and contemporary art.

We really hope you'll enjoy this beer. Cheers friends, have a great weekend!

All the best,

Kasper Tidemann

Founder and CEO
Alefarm Brewing

Kasper Tidemann



Photo of A King & A Common Man